By car
There are several highways leading to/from Niamey.
To the northwest: A newly-paved routes exists along the north side of the Niger connecting the city with Gao, Mali and which passes through Boubon, Farie, Tillaberi, & Ayorou. A less-travelled route on the south-side of the Niger in the same direction leads through several small towns towards Tera in the Liptano region.
To the southwest: A major highway leads to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso passing through the towns of Lamorde, Kobadie, & Torodi.
To the south: A highway leads to W National Park, passing through Boyenga & Say.
To the southeast: A major highway leads through Koure & Birni N'Gaoure to Dosso, where the major highway to Gaya & Benin heads south and the major highway to the eastern half of the country Route Nationale 1 heads east.
To the northwest: A minor road leads to Route Nationale 1 at Dogondoutchi.
To the north: A minor road leads to Anderamboukane, Mali passing through Oullam & Bani Bangou.
By ship
While the Niger River runs through the city and there are no impediments to river travel rapids, waterfalls, there is no regular boat service like there is upstream in Mali. Many pirougue operators will gladly take you along the river for a reasonable price, but you will need to find one heading in your direction. Pirougues operate on erratic schedules, are both much slower and less comfortable than buses.
By bus
Buses travel between Niamey and Cotonou in Benin, taking 14 hours for the journey. Crossing is at the Gaya/Malanville border where otherwise you can take a moto and walk across if you don't feel like doing the whole trip in one stage. There are also buses and minibuses to Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso, taking around 10 hours. Crossing is at Foetchango, west of Niamey. Finally, there is bus service between Niamey and Gao in Mali, taking up to 20 hours.
Buses and bush taxis connect Niamey to other destinations in Niger, including Zinder and Agadez.